
Signs of the Times (+)

I just don’t get yard signs for polictical candidates. Wait, that is not quite right. I don’t get signs for Presidential candidates. Has a single vote ever been swayed by a yard sign or bumper sticker?

"By golly I was going to vote for candidate X but I saw his bumper sticker on a rusty jalopy so now I’m voting for candidate Y because I hate rusty cars. "

Is it just me or do you think it is pathetic that we think a ‘vote for me’ sign can swing a campaign?

I’m not talking about local elections for school board or milk bottle inspector where you are not familar with the candidates. So you notice the neighbor on the corner (the one with the sweet convertible) is endorsing his cousin Jabberwocky for Mosquito Collector and you think to yourself:
"They never have any mosquitoes at their cookouts so Jabberwocky must know a thing or two about 'skeeters."

Nope, I'm definitely NOT talking about local elections.

Come on people - you are voting for the next leader of the free world – can’t you think for yourself once every four years? No, I believe the real reason for yard signs is we all want to be a RAH RAH GO TEAM look-at-me-I’m-a-winner-type person.
"My cell phone has more features than yours"
"Oh yeah? My lawnmower cuts a wider path"
Well my candidate not only is going to win, but will send your candidate into early retirement."

Too many people approach the presidential campaign like a football game. Instead we should think of it as a final exam and spend a little extra time in study hall.
Besides a wise sage told me:
"smart people put bumper stickers on the car the day AFTER the election"

Here is a hilarious story about stealing campaign signs.


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