
Media Hypocrisy: Aborting Gays

A number of years ago people who opposed abortion called themselves "pro-life". The media dropped this term and replaced it with "anti-abortion". The logic behind this change was everyone is in favor of life, therefore "pro-life" is not an accurate term. If the issue is abortion then you are either for it (pro-) or against it (anti-). The pro-life (er, I mean anti-abortion) groups were opposed to this change because psychologically "pro-" is a positive term and "anti-" is negative. Putting aside any hidden agenda by the media, I have to agree with the logic of the change to "anti-abortion".

What I find illogical is the term "gay" to represent homosexuals. Using the same logic as the abortion issue, the media should replace the term "gay" with "homosexual". After all can't heterosexuals also be "gay" (happy)? I can only imagine "gay" is psychologically more positive than "homosexual". So is the media about accuracy or pandering to a partisan group.


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