Become A Vegetarian Cannibal
Found a strange product today called Hufu™. It is tofu (soy protein) designed to taste like HUMAN flesh. Here is the product description from the website, :
At first I figured this was just another elaborate hoax website. After all how would a civilized person know what human flesh taste like? Then I checked the domain registry and the ADMIN email address is "". . . So a lawyer is behind it? Now it all makes sense.
Seriously though is this just a get-rich-wish-I-thought-of-that-pet-rock scheme or a frightening sign of our culture moving to the "dark side". Are there any major world religions that condone cannibalism? Should society be alarmed that people have a desire to sample human flesh, even if it is fake. I remember the public outcry about candy cigarettes and how it would lead children to become smokers when they became older. "Well your honor I cooked my friend because I wanted to see if he really did taste like Hufu™."

It was the genuine, original
Hufu™ is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.
At first I figured this was just another elaborate hoax website. After all how would a civilized person know what human flesh taste like? Then I checked the domain registry and the ADMIN email address is "". . . So a lawyer is behind it? Now it all makes sense.
Seriously though is this just a get-rich-wish-I-thought-of-that-pet-rock scheme or a frightening sign of our culture moving to the "dark side". Are there any major world religions that condone cannibalism? Should society be alarmed that people have a desire to sample human flesh, even if it is fake. I remember the public outcry about candy cigarettes and how it would lead children to become smokers when they became older. "Well your honor I cooked my friend because I wanted to see if he really did taste like Hufu™."

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