
John Kerry and The Boss (+)

Many, many things in life make me hear snippets of songs in my head. Every since Bruce Springsteen endorsed John Kerry I keep getting the same snippet over and over...
I was never a big fan of Springsteen’s until the album Born to Run was released, then I understood why he was "The Boss". I bought the Born to Run 8-track immediately (did I mention this was back in the 70’s?). Of course anything Bruce released after Born To Run could never measure up. {sigh} Such is life.

Anyway back to the music snippet I hear when I see Kerry:

The highway's jammed with broken heroes
on a last chance power drive
Everybody's out on the run tonight
but there's no place left to hide
- from the song "Born To Run" by Bruce Springsteen

What is Kerry trying to hide in his military records? Don’t we deserve to know BEFORE the election?

Of course there is another snippet by Springsteen that I hear when Kerry starts talking Vietnam (which seems to be every stinking time he talks):

Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
and I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
but I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
a little of the glory of, well time slips away
and leaves you with nothing mister but
boring stories of glory days

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days
- from the song "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen


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