
Pre-Born, Post-Born what is the difference?

Very disturbing report from Amsterdam about a hospital in the Netherlands "euthanizing" babies.

The value of life continues on a 30-plus year decline in Western society. The cornerstone of this (or should I say main tomb stone) is abortion. Unborn eagles have more value than unborn babies (LOGIC CHECK: abortion is legal, destroying a Bald Eagle egg is a Federal crime, therefore an unborn eagle has more value than an unborn human). Now it starts with post-born children. First the terminally ill, and then mentally retarded, next will be ones with little chance of a quality life. So we pound into our children taking a life is acceptable and then we wonder about child on child violence.

Did citizens of past great civilaztions realize the fall was taking place while it occurred or were they blind to it?

"We don't understand
he's not like we planned"
the doctor shakes his head
"abnormal" they cry
and so they decide
this child is better dead

- from the song "Baby Doe" by Steve Taylor (c) 1984


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