
Zero Tolerance: A Weapon To Disable Crocodiles

Do you think a child should be able to take a weapon to school that is powerful enough to disable a crocodile?
A 10-year-old fourth grade girl takes a pair of scissors to school. Philadelphia School administrator decides she violated the policy of bringing a "potential weapon" to school so they call police. Police put her in handcuffs and take her to the police station before deciding no crime was committed.

No Crime?!?!? How about STUPIDITY. Not the girl but the school officials. We have become so wrapped up in zero tolerance of "drugs" and "weapons" that we arrest children for aspirin or scissors.

Three decades ago there was the following dialog in the James Bond movie "Live and Let Die" between villain Tee Hee and Bond as Tee Hee was leaving Bond to die as crocodile bait:

Tee Hee :- "There are 2 ways to disable a crocodile you know..hehe"
James Bond :- "I don't suppose you care to share that information with me?"
Tee Hee :-"Well one way is to take a pencil, and jam it into the pressure hole behind his eye"
James Bond :- "And the other?"
Tee Hee :- "Oh the other is twice as simple. You just put your hand in his mouth and pull his teeth out! Haha hehe hehe!!"
You can even hear the soundclip here

So what next Honorable School Officials, the banning of pencils by school kids?

When you were young and your heart was an open book,
You used to say live and let live.
(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did.)
But if this ever changing world in which we live in,
Makes you give in and cry...
Say live and let die.
- from the song "Live and Let Die", words by Paul and Linda McCartney (c) 1973


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