
Political Issues Index

Index of post concerning Political Issues

2004-10-15Good News from Iraq?
America's Finest

Contrary to mainstream media there is plenty of good news happening in Iraq. Surf over to Operation Iraqi Children and read some stories. If you have a high speed connection watch the slide show of photos. It is WMV file (Windows Media Player) 8.34 MB in size and 5 minutes long. You can right-click the slide show link and select "save target as" to download the file to your harddrive.
2004-10-16Signs of the Times
I just don’t get yard signs for polictical candidates. Wait, that is not quite right. I don’t get signs for Presidential candidates. Has a single vote ever been swayed by a yard sign or bumper sticker? (read more)
2004-10-18Boycott the Elections (yeah right)
"South Park" co-creator Matt Stone wants undecided voters to stay home. I know just how he feels – if no one voted but me then I would pick the winner. {evil laugh on} heh heh heh {/evil laugh off} how cool would that be. Not sure which side Matt leans to in politics but I suspect it is the Democrats. Why? The only undecided viewpoints I hear are people concerned about future terrorist and leaning towards Bush. I think a lot of undecided voters will choose Bush during that moment of decision in the voting booth. Matt Stones knows this and is hoping to stop a few of them. You can’t knock someone for trying can you?
2004-10-18I am voting for... (read more)
2004-10-18John Kerry and The Boss
Many, many things in life make me hear snippets of songs in my head. Every since Bruce Springsteen endorsed John Kerry I keep getting the same snippet over and over... (read more)
2004-10-22Christians, War, and Hypocrisy
Contrary to what some think a Christian supporting a war against evil is not hypocritical. (read more)
2004-10-24Protective Radiation (or why the war is good for us)
The whole debate over WMD is moot. America is safer today than it was before the invasion of Iraq and here is why: (read more)
2004-10-24Vote2004: Florida Amendments
How I am voting (and why): (read more)
2004-10-25Hate Crimes
Maybe I’m just too stupid to understand but what is up with hate crime laws. (read more)
2004-11-02Vote2004: Index
Here is a list of all my Vote2004 related post...(read more)
2004-10-27Burning Questions:
Explosives aren't the only thing missing. Where are the answers to these questions:
2004-10-27Missing Explosives: CBS report 2003-04-04
2004-10-28Missing Explosives: part 2
Seeing reports that Russian troops moved the high-grade explosives before invasion. (read more)
2004-10-28Missing Explosives: part 3
So what was there on April 18, 2003 and where did it go? (read more)
2004-10-28Higher Standards?
Free Speech? College professor assualts student wearing political shirt. (read more)
2004-11-06Ashamed of Being American
Photo gallery of Americans apologizing to the world that President Bush was relected. (warning: adult language)
2004-11-09An Argument For Heterosexual Marriage (+)
The homosexual marriage issue continues to grow. I may as well throw in my binoculars-of-logic view without invoking a religious argument... (read more)
2004-11-09Homosexual Marriage and Civil Rights (+) Homosexual advocates are saying heterosexual marriage-only amendments and laws are the new civil rights fight. I want to momentarily sidestep the cries of civil rights violation and ask the question... (read more)
2004-11-11Homosexual Marriage and Civil Rights (+) Homosexual advocates are saying heterosexual marriage-only amendments and laws are the new civil rights fight. I want to momentarily sidestep the cries of civil rights violation and ask the question... (read more)
2004-11-10The Real Yasser ArafatDon't cry for Arafat - pray for him but shed no tears... (read more)
2004-11-11CONFESSION: I was part of the conspiracy (+)Election 2004 conspiracy theories and accusations abound. One of the smoking guns is the analysis of the Florida votes... (read more)
2004-11-12Are To, Am Not (+)
Rednecks versus Bluebloods
Am I the only one fed up with this continual Red State, Blue State rhetoric?... (read more)
2004-11-17Wrong Wrong Wrong
The Republicans reversed a party rule that required indicted leaders to relinquish their positions. The theory is "you are innocent until proven guilty" and an indictment is not a conviction. All I have to say is WRONG WRONG WRONG. Leaders must be held to a higher standard of accountability. I don't care how politically motivated the indictment is, step down from the leadership until you are vindicated.

Freedom & Privacy Issues Index

Index of post concerning Freedom & Privacy Issues.

2004-10-14P.I.: Tag! You're it. #1
PRIVATE EYE: Good-bye Privacy (or is it just the "Mark of the Beast"?)

Geek.com has an article about FDA approval of an RFID chip to implant in humans. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and would have a unique id (read more)
2004-10-22P.I.: Give Me Your Life History
PRIVATE EYE: We need this information to better serve you.

I went to a store the other day and before they would let anyone in the door you had to fill out a form with your name, address, age, email, phone, family income, and education level. (read more)
2004-10-28P.I.: Homeland Security
PRIVATE EYE: Homeland Security Investigates Toy Store

Pufferbelly Toys in St. Helen, Oregon was paid a visit this summer by a US Homeland Security agent (read more)
2004-11-05P.I.: Are You A Security Risk?
PRIVATE EYE: Protect Your PC
2004-11-11P.I.: Mandatory Black Box in Autos
PRIVATE EYE: Safety versus Privacy... (read more)
2004-11-15TechTip: DIY PDF
Create password protected, hard to alter PDF files from most applications... (read more)
2005-01-22P.I.: The Tale of Two Universities (+)
PRIVATE EYE: Two small examples of a problem too large to ignore...(read more)
2005-02-16P.I.: Today's Goulash 02/16 (+)
PRIVATE EYE: Knock Knock, Future Calling

Here is a small sampler of Privacy issues for you. Little by little, pebble by pebble, we are losing the fight. Enjoy the twilight years of privacy as we know it...(read more)
2005-03-11P.I.: Its 11 o'clock do you know where your identity is? (+)
PRIVATE EYE: Missing Identidata

Bank of America reported last week that tapes containing credit card accounts, social security numbers, and other personal information of 1.2 million US Federal employees, including 60 US Senators, are missing. The data on tapes was not encrypted...(read more)
2005-03-12 P.I.: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?
Private Eye: Are you sure about that?

Monday (March 7th) thieves rammed a car into a Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office in North Las Vegas. They made off with the following items (read more)

Science Issues Index

Index of post concerning Science Issues

2004-10-15String's Traffic Theories
Personal studies by String has derived the following theories about traffic. (read more)
2004-10-15Flat Earth (tongue-in-cheek)
"What reason do you have to believe the earth is flat?"
blogger.com wants me to answer the above question in my profile. Since my response will not fit in the space the profile provides, I am posting my answer here. (read more)
2004-10-21Tech-NO-Brainers: Cigar Bananas
A German inventor has applied for a patent to take the curves out of bananas (read more)
2004-10-22Sci-Fact: Bowl'o Brains Flies Plane
A University of Florida scientist has grown a living “brain” that can fly... (read more)
2004-10-23Science Roundup: Maggots, Alien Invaders, and More
(read more)
2004-10-26Today's Goulash: Tuesday 10/26
Got a big pot of items all stewed together for your enjoyment. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side.
Ingredients include: STUPID ANIMAL TRICKS, STUPID HUMAN TRICKS, and BRILLIANT HUMAN TRICKS. All served with a side of sarcasm.
2004-10-30Today’s Goulash: Saturday 10/30
Got a big pot of items all stewed together for your enjoyment. I fortified this one with Science vitamins so you know it is good for you. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side.
Ingredients include: STUPID TRICKS (ANIMAL AND HUMAN), SMART TRICKS, and THE FINAL FRONTIER. All served with a side of sarcasm... (read more)
2004-10-31Sci-Fact: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Orange is very green... (read more)
2004-11-05Sci-Fact: Happy Birthday TR-1
World’s First mass produced transistor radio is 50 years-old... (read more)
2004-11-15TechTip: DIY PDF
Create PDF files from most applications... (read more)
2004-11-17Today’s Goulash: Wednesday 11/17
Cooked up a fresh pot of goulash. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side. Ingredients include: Rats, Turkeys, Squids, Locust, Kangaroos and Mother's Milk. All served with a side of sarcasm. Remember people I don't make this stuff up.... (read more)
2004-12-03Sci-Fact: PEG – The Next Wonder Drug?
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a water-soluble, waxy solid.... (read more)
TechTip: Mozilla Thunderbird Email program .... (read more)
2005-02-01TechTip: Printer Friendly Help Pages
There is world wide web of help on the Internet. If you find yourself at one of the professional, commercial sites and they have a great article but it spans multi-pages here is a trick to try out:.... (read more)

Society Issues Index

Index of post concerning Society Issues

2004-10-15String’s Traffic Theories
Personal studies by String has derived the following theories about traffic. While they are specifically geared towards vehiclular traffic, some of the "rules" apply to other forms of traffic (such as pedestrian).
1) The other lane always moves faster.

2) The differential between posted speed limits and actual traffic speed is inversely proportionial to your need to get there.

3) When stopped in traffic at a red light, you will not start moving until the first car traveling in the opposite direction reaches your vehicle. (String's Trafficlight Theorm)
2004-10-21Brother can you spare an organ
We'll save your life for a price...(read more)

Real Life Humor: Money For Nothing
This story is hilarious 'Bank Error In My Favor: Collect $95,000'. Man deposits junk mail check for $95,000 and the bank accepts it. Very loooong story but worth it if you have the time.

That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
- from the song "Money For Nothing" by Dire Straits
2004-10-26Today's Goulash: Tuesday 10/26
Got a big pot of items all stewed together for your enjoyment. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side.
Ingredients include: STUPID ANIMAL TRICKS, STUPID HUMAN TRICKS, and BRILLIANT HUMAN TRICKS. All served with a side of sarcasm. (read more)
2004-10-30Today’s Goulash: Saturday 10/30
Got a big pot of items all stewed together for your enjoyment. I fortified this one with Science vitamins so you know it is good for you. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side.
Ingredients include: STUPID TRICKS (ANIMAL AND HUMAN), SMART TRICKS, and THE FINAL FRONTIER. All served with a side of sarcasm... (read more)
2004-10-28Higher Standards?
Free Speech? College professor assualts student wearing political shirt. (read more)
2004-11-04Media Hypocrisy: Aborting Gays
A number of years ago people who opposed abortion called themselves "pro-life".. (read more)
2004-11-09An Argument For Heterosexual Marriage (+)
The homosexual marriage issue continues to grow. I may as well throw in my binoculars-of-logic view without invoking a religious argument... (read more)
2004-11-09Homosexual Marriage and Civil Rights (+)
Homosexual advocates are saying heterosexual marriage-only amendments and laws are the new civil rights fight. I want to momentarily sidestep the cries of civil rights violation and ask the question... (read more)
2004-11-17Today’s Goulash: Wednesday 11/17
Cooked up a fresh pot of goulash. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side. Ingredients include: Rats, Turkeys, Squids, Locust, Kangaroos and Mother's Milk. All served with a side of sarcasm. Remember people I don't make this stuff up.... (read more)
2004-11-24Today’s Goulash: Wednesday 11/24
Almost Thanksgiving so this pot of goulash is heavy on the turkeys (feathered and human). Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side. Ingredients include: natural and artificial ingredients - consume at your own risk. All served with a side of sarcasm. Remember people I don't make this stuff up..... (read more)
2004-11-26Today’s Goulash: Wednesday 11/26
Thanksgiving is over and I've got a bunch of leftovers to throw in this pot of goulash. Might be a few ingredients you don’t care for, feel free to push them to the side. This pot is full of family holiday recipes - consume at your own risk. All served with a side of sarcasm. Remember people I don't make this stuff up..... (read more)
2004-12-01Pre-Born, Post-Born what is the difference?
Very disturbing report from Amsterdam about a hospital in the Netherlands "euthanizing" babies..... (read more)
2004-12-13Zero Tolerance: A Weapon To Disable Crocodiles (+)
Do you think a child should be able to take a weapon to school that is powerful enough to disable a crocodile?.... (read more)

read update here
2005-01-29We Think Your Baby Should Die
Two months ago, following reports of an Amsterdam hospital "euthanizing" babies, I wrote "The value of life continues on a 30-plus year decline in Western society". Here is another example from Europe. This time in the UK..... (read more)